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Step 1: Observation of the target over an interval of time. Using fractions of an hour will simplify later calculations, i.e. 3 mins, 6 mins, 12 mins, 15 mins, 20mins 30 mins. 1st …

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The main feature of the Mercator projection is that both meridians and parallels are expanded at the same ratio with increased latitude. Expansion is the same in all directions and angles are correctly shown. Rhumb lines appear as straight lines, the directions of which can be measured directly on the chart (angle 2.

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With centre "C" lay off ship's speed - the distance she will travel through the water in one hour - to point "D" 4. The direction "CD" is the true course to steer from "A" 5. The distance "AD" is the speed that will be made good 6. To find the E.T.A. at "B" the distance "AB" is divided by the speed made good "AD".

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1. Under Survey, bilge systems must be able to pump and drain any water-tight compartment in the vessel. 2. All pumps must be self-priming. 3. Power pumps may be powered by either an auxiliary internal …

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Operation of the turbo charger on a diesel engine. In a four stroke engine, exhaust gases flow from each cylinder into the exhaust manifold and then past the turbine blades of the …

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There are two methods of carrying this out. You will be able to follow the process by looking at Figure.1. Place one edge of the parallel ruler along one of the parallels of latitude …

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Step 1: Observation of the target over an interval of time. Using fractions of an hour will simplify later calculations, i.e. 3 mins, 6 mins, 12 mins, 15 mins, 20mins 30 mins. 1st report- at 10:00 target bearing 057 oRel distance 12 nm. report- at 10:06 target bearing 055 oRel, drawing forward, range decreasing.


Operation of the turbo charger on a diesel engine. In a four stroke engine, exhaust gases flow from each cylinder into the exhaust manifold and then past the turbine blades of the turbo charger. With the engine running at full speed, the turbo charger can obtain speeds up to 100,000 revolutions per minute (rpm).

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There are two methods of carrying this out. You will be able to follow the process by looking at Figure.1. Place one edge of the parallel ruler along one of the parallels of latitude printed on the side of the chart and the ruler until one edge passes through the given latitude. Pencil in the latitude line.

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