Zenith06 Smart Antenna | GeoMax
Convenient use. The Zenith06 is an ideal instrument for a full day's work in the field. With its compact, lightweight design, the smart antenna is easy to carry and gentle on your body. …
Convenient use. The Zenith06 is an ideal instrument for a full day's work in the field. With its compact, lightweight design, the smart antenna is easy to carry and gentle on your body. …
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The Zenith60 is a calibration-free tilt GNSS smart antenna that incorporates state-of-the-art technology. In combination with the X-PAD field software, field controllers and widely …
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Zenith Mining Private Limited incorporated with MCA on 31 May 1996.The Zenith Mining Private Limited is listed in the class of pvtltd company and classified as Non Govt Company.This company is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), Cuttack with an Authorized Share Capital of Rs.10 LAC and its paid up capital is 1 LAC.. ... s h sbm 10 5 …